Wednesday, 10 January 2018

6 - Scotland - Technical Chain Reaction

Hello from Scotland! Yester Primary School's P4 class did all the work here - the children planned in small groups, built and finalised their chain reaction entirely by themselves. We had some problems with the filming, but we hope you enjoy our chain reaction. Good luck to all teams!


  1. Good work by you and your students, Michael!
    Super chain!
    Good luck!

  2. Hi Scotland,

    Nice chain and funny chain! I liked the robot very much!

    Your pupils did a real fine job! They can be proud of themselves!

    Kind regards,

    Dave from Belgium

  3. A fun chain reaction and I like the fact that the children did all the work. They should be very proud of their achievements.
    Best wishes from England

  4. Silje and Cornelia - Norway16 January 2018 at 15:41

    Very good idea with a robot!:) i like this chain:):):):):)

  5. Berre uit België16 January 2018 at 16:15

    Good chain, good ideas

  6. Very well, we liked the robot! Good job, Kids!

  7. Nice work. GL.

  8. The kids started to dance during watching this video - good chain reaction!

  9. Elias Enarsson, Sweden24 January 2018 at 15:11

    It was fun with the robots. Good luck to your team from Sweden :)
